19 SEPTEMBER 2022- 23 SEPTEMBER 2022

    For this week, I have class with 1 Budiman on Monday, Thursday and Friday. I have taught them about pronouns and possessive pronouns, and about colours. However they cannot complete the activity within the time during the lesson on Monday. On Tuesday, I need to attend a meeting about “Program bantu membaca”. We have discussed strategies on how to help pupils who cannot read or are illiterate. After that, I needed to take a relief class as usual since I did not have class on Tuesday. Also, I have taught 1 Ehsan Pendidikan Seni Visual subject on how to draw their friends’ faces. On Thursday night, I needed to attend school because I was having singing training with other teachers and PIBG for the Penutup Kemerdekaan event.

Pronouns and possessive pronouns that I have taught in 1 Budiman class.

The colours that I have taught in class 1 Budiman.

Worksheet of colours mini book for pupils in 1 Budiman.

The details of the meeting for “Program Bantu Membaca”.

Picture of my student’s drawing in 1 Ehsan. 

Here are My Activity (Catatan Kerja Mingguan)


Today, I am having class with 1 Budiman. I have taught them about pronouns and possessive pronouns. However, they cannot complete the task within the time given.


I have a meeting with other teachers from 12:30 p.m to 1:30 p.m. The topic is about “Program bantu membaca”. Every teacher gets a schedule to teach students who cannot read or who are illiterate. They must come 30 minutes early to school for the class. After that, I have to take a relief class as usual since I did not have any class on Tuesday.


Today I have my first Pendidikan Seni Visual class with 1 Ehsan. I feel a bit nervous since I never taught pupils about art before this. However, everything went very well since I had planned my lesson before the class. The topic for today is “Kawanku” in which they have to draw their friends’ faces. 


I am having class with 1 Budiman twice today. For the first class, I have taught them about positions and the activity is they have to cut the worksheet while listening to my instructions. For the second class, I use the same worksheet and ask them to stick the worksheet in their E2 books. After that they must name the toys beside the pictures of toys. Most of them can do it correctly. At night, I have to attend school from 9:10 p.m until 10:30 p.m to practice singing with PIBG and other teachers for the Penutup Kemerdekaan event.


Today I have class with 1 Budiman again. They learnt how to make colours mini books. After they cut the worksheet to be the mini book, they have to read the sentence and colours the toys stated in the colours mini book. They came 30 minutes late to my class because they had to stay at assembly with other pupils. However, everything went very well during the lesson and they can complete all the activities within the time given. 



I began to observe how my pupils learn, I started to develop their critical thinking and attitudes.

Since I am new in teaching year 1 pupils, I did not guide them one by one while completing the worksheets and this caused them to not be able to complete the worksheet within the time.



Pupils start to respect me since they know I will be angry if they don't participate during the lessons.

Pupils can’t complete the worksheet within the time on Monday.


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