26 SEPTEMBER 2022 - 30 SEPTEMBER 2022

    For this week, we celebrate Petutup Bulan Kebangsaan on Monday. All of us must wear traditional clothes. I have to relieve a lot of classes this week since there are 2 teachers that move from these schools.  Teacher Nasmi moved to SK Sungai Pusu while teacher Aisha moved to kindergarten. As usual I have English class with 1 Budiman and Pendidikan Seni Visual class with 1 Ehsan. For this week’s lesson, I have taught 1 Budiman about opposites of toys and tangrams while for 1 Ehsan, I have taught them on how to colour their last week's drawing properly. We also have celebrations for the last day of teacher Nasmi in this school. We appreciate her because served in this school for 16 years. 

Celebration of “Penutup Bulan Kebangsaan”.

Pupils write the opposites of toys on the whiteboard.

Worksheet of tangrams for 1 Budiman.

Celebrations for the last day of teacher Nasmi in school.

Here are My Activity (Catatan Kerja Mingguan)


Today, we celebrate the Penutup Bulan Kebangsaan event. All the teachers wear traditional clothes because there is a competition for the most beautiful traditional clothes. I did a performance of singing 5 songs with PIBG and other teachers. There are a lot of performances from the pupils. Also, we celebrated the principal’s birthday today.


Today, I have to relieve 3 classes which are 3 Amanah, 2 Mesra and 2 Amanah. I did a spelling bee with 3 Amanah about food and they can spell the words of food very well. During relief 2 Mesra class, they have homework where they need to colour the worksheet so I show them how to colour the worksheet properly. In 2 Amanah, I ask them to read a book and ask them who don't know how to read. I came to the pupils who cannot read and helped them to spell and pronounce the words. 


As usual I have Pendidikan Seni Visual class with 1 Ehsan. I have taught them how to colour their last week’s drawing properly. The prettiest drawings and colouring will get reward from teacher Jamaliah. After that, I have to relief 2 classes which are 2 Mesra and 2 Budiman. I asked them to read an English book and help them to pronounce the words correctly. 


I have taught 1 Budiman about opposites. I use textbooks and flashcards to help them to understand and be clear about the lesson. After that, I gave a task about the opposites of toys and they did very well because they understood today’s topic. As usual, I need to relief 2 classes which are 2 Lestari and 2 Harmoni. 


We celebrate the last day of teacher Nasmi since she has served in this school for 16 years. After that, I teach 1 Budiman about tangrams. I use a textbook, flashcard and worksheet to make them understand about the topic. After that, I asked them to do the exercise about shapes in their workbook. 



I can deliver lessons confidently in every class.

I was quite nervous when I had to sing in front of a crowd and the microphone didn't work well that day.



Pupils understand the lesson that I delivered this week.

Some pupils from 2 Harmoni won't listen to my instructions and it's hard to control them.


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