3 OCTOBER 2022 - 7 OCTOBER 2022


    In the fourth week, I have responsibilities that need to be borne where I am on duty at school this week. I have to take part  in the things that happen this week. Since this week is the test week for students, I have to mark my students' test paper which is 1 Budiman. However, they have only 2 hours to sit the test in a day which is from 1:15 p.m to 2:15 p.m and 4:15 p.m to 5:15 p.m, while the remaining time will be used as learning time as usual. All of the teachers who are on duty this week are given tasks. During the recess for year 2 students, I need to make sure everything is under control. I need to make sure all the students line up in the hall at 3:25 p.m and enter the class at 3:30 p.m. On Wednesday, I need to handle activities for year 1,2,3 since most of the teachers attend co-curricular while I am on duty this week. Also, I have to make sure the students' safety is guaranteed when the school session ends by making sure they stay inside the school until their guardians come to pick them up. I have to stay at school until 6:30 p.m everyday. 

1 Ehsan are sitting for Pendidikan Islam test. 

I am handling year 1,2,3 pupils to do English word search.

I am on duty to make sure that pupils stay inside the school until their guardians come.

Here are My Activity (Catatan Kerja Mingguan)


I have to relief one class only which is 2 Amanah. I asked them to read the Pendidikan Seni Visual subject since they have to sit for the test this evening. After that, I have class with 1 Budiman as usual. I have taught them about primary colours and secondary colours because this topic will be in the test papers. I show the flashcards of primary and secondary colour, I give them a worksheet and recaps the lesson that I have taught them today to make sure they really understand today's topic. 


When I arrive at school, I need to help some students to read for Program bantu membaca while waiting for their teachers. In the evening, I have to relief 2 Amanah classes from 1:00 p.m to 1:30 p.m, they need to sit for the Bahasa Melayu test. After that, I have to relief the same class which is 2 Amanah from 4:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m. They have to sit for the Bahasa Arab test at that time. 


When I arrive at school, I have to handle the activity for year 1,2,3 students in the hall because the other teacher needs to attend co curricular. This is because I am the teacher that has duty this week so I don't need to attend the co-curricular today. We do word search about “back to school” during the activity. Before starting the activity, I ask them to pronounce and give meaning for each word in the worksheet. After that, I have to take relief class 3 Ehsan from 2:00 p.m to 2:30 p.m. I ask them to read Pendidikan Islam book because they have to sit for Pendidikan Islam test at 4:15 p.m. At 4:00 p.m, I go to 1 Ehsan class. Before I give them Pendidikan Islam test paper, I ask them to keep the book in their bag and zip the bag. The duration for the test is from 4:15 p.m to 5:15 p.m which is 1 hour. 


As usual, I have to teach students to read while waiting for their teacher. I don’t have to take a relief class because all the teachers attend school today. However , I have class with 1 Budiman today and I have taught them about toys. I ask them to pronounce the toys in the worksheet, spell the name of the toys, rewrite the sentences (Example: It’s my doll) and read the sentences together. I am glad because everyone in the class participated during the lesson and they can complete the worksheet given. After that, they have to prepare for the Music test.


I have class with 1 Budiman as usual but I need to complete my lesson for 30 minutes only because they will sit for the Science test from 4:15 p.m to 5:15 p.m. I give a worksheet to them as an activity. In the worksheet, they need to ask 8 classmates about their name, ages and favourite toys and write it in the worksheet. However, some of them cannot complete the worksheet within the time given since some of them have problems with slow writing. 



I can control all pupils this week since they have to sit for tests.

I can't be on duty during recess year 2 on Thursday because I have class and I forgot to inform the other teacher. 



Pupils enjoyed my class and participated during my class.

Pupils have to sit for tests and this causes them can’t complete the work given within the time.


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