WEEK 11

21 NOVEMBER 2022- 25 NOVEMBER 2022

    I feel a bit nervous this week because my supervisor will come to school to observe me. I did warn 1 Budiman class to behave during the observation and I am so happy because everything went very well on Thursday. However, during the Pendidikan Seni Visual class, I felt very angry with one pupil in 2 Ehsan because he was very annoyed, he disturb his friends when I gave them work and he made noisy things in class. The things make me feel very mad at him because he doesn't even complete the work that I give to him but he keeps disturbing his friends. On Tuesday,  I need to attend school early because I have a meeting at 12:20 p.m about uniform unit camping and handball competition. On Wednesday, I have to relief class 2 Mesra and 3 Mesra. I did the activity about primary and secondary colours with 2 Mesra while in 3 Mesra, I guided them to complete Bahasa Malaysia homework given by their teacher. However, I did give 1 Mesra pupils a variety of English activities as a revision for them. On Saturday, I went to Malacca with other teachers to send students to a handball competition at Lendu. 

Having activity about primary and secondary colours with 2 Mesra.

Guiding 3 Mesra in completing their Bahasa Malaysia exercise given by their teacher.

A variety of English activities as a revision for 1 Mesra.

 Having duty for handball competition at Lendu, Malacca. 

Here are My Activity (Catatan Kerja Mingguan)


Today, I have class with 1 Budiman as usual. They have to listen to the audio and write the answer. After that, I have to relief 2 classes which are 3 Lestari and 1 Ehsan. In 3 Lestari, I ask pupils to do their own work since I have to give marks for the exercise of 1 Budiman. In 1 Ehsan, I ask them to put their head on the table since there are only 20 minutes before school ends. 


I need to come early to school today because I have to attend a meeting at 12:20 p.m about uniform unit camping and handball competition. After that, I have to relief 2 classes which are 1 Budiman and 1 Ehsan. In 1 Budiman, I did some activities for recap which are the names of animals and prepositions since I've heard from my mentor that they are still confused about prepositions. 


As usual, I need to relief 3 classes which are 2 Mesra, 3 Mesra and 1 Mesra. In 2 Mesra, I ask them to read an English book. I did an activity about primary colours and secondary colours. They try to combine 2 colours of primary colours to be secondary colours. In 3 Mesra, their Bahasa Malaysia teacher had given them homework so I guided them on how to do the homework since their teacher was unable to attend school. In 1 Mesra, I did give them a variety of English activities as a revision for them. 


My supervisor comes to school today for a social visit and observation. At 1:00 p.m, I had class with 1 Budiman and I worn them to behave when my supervisor came to school. My supervisor did the observation in 1 Budiman from 3:00 p.m to 4:00 p.m. At first, I was very nervous because I was worried that my pupils would not behave during the lessons. However, everything went very well and they behaved so well during the lessons. At 4:30 p.m, I have to relief 1 Amanah class. I asked them to do their homework given by their teacher. After that, I have to relief 1 Harmoni class. They got a lot of worksheets from their Bahasa Malaysia teacher so they completed the worksheets. 


At 2:00 p.m, I have a Pendidikan Seni Visual class with 2 Ehsan. One of them was very annoyed in the class. He always makes noisy things and disturbs his friends when they try to complete their drawings. I did warn him but he was still with that behaviour which makes me very mad at him because he did not complete the work given. I try my best to calm down and I still give advice to him until the class ends. After that, I have class with 1 Budiman as usual. I had to proceed with a new topic with them which is Lunchtime. 


I did go to Malacca with other teachers to send students to a handball competition at Lendu. Their games start at 10:00 am so we go to Melaka at 6:45 a.m. They got third place in the national handball competition.  



I did my best during the observation with my lecturer. 




Pupils from 1 Budiman were behaved and give attention during an observation.

Some pupils won’t listen to my instructions, make noisy things and disturb his friends during the lesson in 2 Ehsan.


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