11 OCTOBER 2022 - 15 OCTOBER 2022

    In the fifth week, we had a day off on monday because of the celebration of Maulidur rasul. When I have a relief class, I will make sure that all of the pupils have work to be completed such as reading English books, cleaning the class or drawing so that they do not just waste their time with other useless things. On Wednesday, I came late to school because I have to sit for the MUET speaking test at KUPTM. On Thursday, I did a revision of topic 2 with 1 Budiman before proceeding to the next topic so that I know whether they understand the topic or not. I give a worksheet to them about toys, tangrams, pronouns and possessive pronouns, and opposites. In the evening, we have to join aerobics for “Hari Sukan Negara” celebrations. On Friday, we celebrated Maulidur rasul in school and everything went very well. I have to attend school on Saturday at 7:15 a.m because I have a duty for handball competition. 

Revision of topic 2 with 1 Budiman.

Celebrations of “Hari Sukan Negara”.

Celebrate Maulidur Rasul on Friday.

Having duty as statistic for handball competition on Saturday.

Here are My Activity (Catatan Kerja Mingguan


I have to relief 2 Mesra class for 1 hour from 1:00 p.m to 2:00 p.m. They have to sit for the Pendidikan Jasmani Pendidikan Kesihatan test at that time. After that, I have to relief 1 Lestari class for 1 hour. For this class, I ask them to spell the words of toys together and read the book in front of the class individually. From my observation, I think all of them can read English books and pronounce the words correctly since 1 Lestari is the first class. From 5:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m, I have to relief 1 Harmoni class, which is the last class. They are so noisy and uncontrollable at first since 1 of them always makes trouble where he likes to disturb his friends in class. However, I can control this class by asking them to put their head on the table and tell them to keep quiet. I have told them that the people who make noise in this class are not allowed to go home. Based on my observation for today, I believe that I cannot treat pupils the same because different pupils have different attitudes. However, I cannot be angry with them if they make any problems but give advice to them and correct them if they make mistakes.


I have a MUET speaking test in the afternoon so I came late to school. I arrive at school at 3:30 p.m and I have to relief class 2 Harmoni from 4:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m. There is a student that is not controlled because he is autism. I have to send him to the next class since he will be controlled because the teacher is fierce. In 1 Harmoni, I ask them to clean the class so that they have work to be done before going home since this class is always noisy and disturbs other pupils. 


I did a revision of topic 2 before proceeding with the next lesson with 1 Budiman. I guide them one by one so that they can complete the worksheet easily. I collected the worksheet and gave it a mark. Based on my observation, almost all of the pupils understand topic 2 which I have taught them in class. However, some of them still make the same mistake in spelling when they need to spell it in the worksheet. At 5:00 p.m, we celebrate “Hari Sukan Negara” in school. All of us have to join aerobics together in the hall. 


We celebrate Maulidur Rasul on Friday. At 2:00p.m to 3:00 p.m, pupils have a quiz and colouring competition. At 4:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m, we had a Maulidur rasul procession at school and everything went very well. 


I have to attend school at 7:15 a.m because I have a duty for handball competition.



I was able to deliver the lesson smoothly this week.

I came to school late on Thursday because I sat for the MUET test.



Pupils listen to all of my instructions this week.

There is one pupil who is hard to control since he is autism.


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