17 OCTOBER 2022 - 22 OCTOBER 2022

    This week, I started to proceed with a new topic with 1 Budiman. They learn about animals in the topic Pet Show. I have taught them about the names of animals, the spelling of animals and prepositions. On Wednesday, I have to attend co-curricular. I have planned an activity for the English Club. The activity is Poison Mystery Box where they have to pass the box in a circle while listening to the music until the music has stopped. After that, the pupil who touches the box needs to open the box and choose a piece of folded paper. Without opening the paper, the pupils must give it to the teacher and the teacher will read the sentences in the paper. Pupils must guess the animals while listening to the features read by the teacher. On Friday, I have class with 2 Ehsan. This week is also my first day teaching 2 Ehsan Pendidikan Seni Visual since there are changes in schedule. I have taught 2 Ehsan on how to make pottery using plasticine.  

The activity I did with 1 Budiman about animals.

1 Budiman write the names of animals in their E2 books as new words. 

Poison Mystery Box game with English club. 

Here are My Activity (Catatan Kerja Mingguan)


I have proceeded to the next topic which is the Pet show with 1 Budiman. They have learned about the names of animals.The next exercise is they must write the name of animals in E2 books as new words to improve their handwriting. At 3:30 p.m, I ask 1 Harmoni pupil to draw a picture since they really love drawing. At 5:00 p.m, I have to relief 2 Harmoni classes. At first, I ask them to complete the homework given by the other teacher since I have work to be completed. However, they won’t listen and make noise in class so I ask them to clean their table and put their head on the table. People who are making noise are not allowed to go home early. This is actually really working to control the class. 


I ask pupils from 1 Lestari to open their textbook page 34 and read all the names of animals and spell it together. After that, they need to close the textbook and spell it together in class. Based on my observation, almost all of the pupils can spell the words of animals correctly and read the book with correct pronunciation. At 4:30 p.m, I need to relief 1 Harmoni class. I ask pupils  to draw the picture quietly since I have to monitor Farish Iman to sit for the English test until 5:30 p.m. 


As we know, every wednesday is co curricular day. I have planned an activity which is Poison Mystery Box for English Club. Pupils have to sit in a circle, listening to the music while passing the box until the song has stopped. The person who touches the box needs to open the box and take out a piece of folded paper without opening it and give it to the teacher. The teacher will read the sentences and that pupils must guess what animals are based on the sentences. Pupils with the correct answer will stay in the circle. At 3 p.m, I have to relief 3 Amanah class. They have to play a riddle. I read the sentences and they need to write the name of the animals  on a piece of paper based on the features I have read. We discussed the answer at the end of the activity. 


I have taught 1 Budiman about the Pet Show. I give a worksheet of animals to the pupils and they have to write the name of animals below the picture. Also, they need to spell the name of animals in class and write the teacher’s favourite animals based on the given picture and discuss it together. After completing all the worksheets, they draw and write their favourite animals in their workbook. Based on observation, I believe that most of them understand the lesson delivered by me. At 4:30 p.m, I have to relief 1 Lestari class. We have spelling activities about toys and animals. Pupils with correct spelling are allowed to sit. 


I have my first class with 2 Ehsan since there are changes in the schedule. I have to teach Pendidikan Seni visual subject in this class. I bring plasticine from the art rooms to 2 Ehsan. They have to make pottery using plasticine. I give marks to them based on the process and result of pottery. After that I have class with 1 Budiman. I introduce prepositions to them. 


I have a duty for a rugby competition at SK Wawasan, Seremban. I need to take care of the rugby players from my school.



All my lessons went very well this week.




Pupils really participated in all the activities I did.

Some pupils won’t listen to my instructions.


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