27 OCTOBER 2022 - 28 OCTOBER 2022

    For this week, I have to attend school on Thursday and Friday only since we are having Deepavali holiday on Monday until Wednesday. On thursday, 1 Budiman came late 15 minutes to my class so I had only 10 minutes to complete the lesson. However, I took more 30 minutes for the second class with 1 Budiman since their teacher is absent today, so I am able to complete the lesson. The subtopic I have taught them is about singular and plural. On Wednesday, I asked Ehsan to do notes about “Catan” before proceeding to the activity next week. I have taught them the Pendidikan Seni Visual subject. After that, I have class with 1 Budiman. I just do the English games about animals in the class. However, I think it is a bit difficult to control the class since they are too eager to play the games until they won’t listen to the instructions. 

I introduce 1 Budiman with singular and plural. 

Having an English game with 1 Budiman.

Here are My Activity (Catatan Kerja Mingguan)


I am having an English class with 1 Budiman at 1:00p.m to 1:30 p.m. However, they came late 15 minutes to my class and I had only 10 minutes to complete the lesson. Obviously, I can’t complete my lessons in only 10 minutes. I have second class with 1 Budiman at 3:30 p.m to 5:00 p.m. I took more 30 minutes to complete the first class activity since their teacher was absent today. So my second class with 1 Budiman is from 3:30 p.m to 5:00 p.m. The subtopic that I have taught them is about the singular and plural of animals. From my observation, I can see that most of them need a lot of exercise about this subtopic because only 45% from this class are able to answer all the questions correctly. 


I have a Pendidikan Seni Visual class with 2 Ehsan. I introduced them about “Catan” and I asked them to do notes about Catan before proceeding to the activity next week. I have planned to do the art next week. After that, I have an English class with 1 Budiman as usual. I make a game for them to participate in during the lesson. The main skill for this activity is reading. From my observation, I think that handling pupils during the games is a bit difficult since they are too eager to play the game until they don’t listen to the instructions. I think I need to be more prepared for a game after this. 



I can complete the lesson even my pupils came late to my class.

I can’t control the class during the games because they don’t listen to my instructions.



Pupils in 2 Ehsan can complete the notes within the time

My pupils came late to my class until I had to continue the lesson in the next class. 



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