31 OCTOBER 2022- 4 NOVEMBER 2022

    In week eight, I have responsibilities that need to be borne where I am on duty at school this week. I have to take part  in the things that happen this week. As usual, teachers who are on duty need to attend school 30 minutes early. Also, I have to leave school late, which is at 6:30 p.m because I need to ensure pupils’ safety by making sure they’re inside the school until their parents or guardians come to pick them up. There are some problems that happen in school. Firstly, there is a pupil who makes problems in 1 Harmoni class. He tore up the exercises given by the teacher and threw them away. He also often disturbs his friends. I had advised him not to repeat the same mistakes and surprisingly he listened and followed my instructions. Secondly, pupils in 1 Budiman were so active this week until I couldn't control them during the lesson. At the end, I ask them to stand up and I warn them to give their names to the principal since they won’t listen to my instructions. After that, they listened to me and followed the instructions given by me. 

The activity about ‘I like’ and ‘I don’t like’ with 1 Budiman.

I make sure year 2 pupils go to their class after recess.

I am on duty to make sure that pupils stay inside the school until their guardians come.

Here are My Activity (Catatan Kerja Mingguan)


For today's class, I have taught 1 Budiman about "I like" and "I don't like". I do some activities with them to know if they understand the topic taught or not. Since this week is my duty week, I have to monitor Year 2 pupils during recess. I need to make sure all of them go to their class after recess. Based on my observation, almost all pupils in this class understand the lesson delivered by me. I have to relief 1 Harmoni class from 5:00 p.m until 6:00 p.m. There is one problematic pupil where he throws away homework given by another teacher. Also, he disturbs his friends in the class. After I give advice to him, he starts to listen and not bother others. I must ensure that the students' safety is ensured when the school session ends by ensuring that they stay inside the school until their guardians arrive to pick them up. Every day, I have to stay at school until 6:30 p.m.


Today, my schedule is full of relief classes. Firstly, I have to relief 2 Ehsan class for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Since the subject is “Pendidikan Islam’, I asks them to read al-quran or Iqra’, or any books related to Pendidikan Islam. After that, I have to relief 1 Lestari class at 3:00 p.m. They read the book since their teacher's absence today. The next class that I have to relief is 3 Budiman. For this class, I give them time to do their own work since they look so tired in the class. The last class that I have to relief today is 1 Harmoni. As usual, there is a student that always makes problems in the class. When I asked others to put their heads down on the table, he was the one who wouldn't listen to my instructions so I asked him to clean the class to avoid disturbing his friends. At least he has something to be completed. 



As usual, I have a lot of classes to relief today since there are some teacher absences today.  I have to relief 1 Lestari class and 1 Budiman class twice today. For 1 Lestari, I have introduced them to prepositions (on, in, under) since their English teacher is not able to come this week. I did a very simple exercise of prepositions in class using a whiteboard. In class 1 Harmoni, I ask them to clean their class as usual because their class is too dirty. Lastly, in 1 Budiman, I ask them to complete their E1 book because I want to collect their book.


I have class with 1 Budiman from 1:00 p.m to 1:30 p.m. However, I have to relief this class from 1:30 p.m to 2:00 p.m so I continue the lesson with them. I have class with 1 Budiman twice today. However, they are so active after recess until I can’t control them during the lesson since my next class with them is after recess. Some of them are screaming in the class and their voices are louder than mine so it causes others can’t hear my instructions. At 5:00 p.m, I have to relief 1 Harmoni class. I ask them to put their head down on the table because I need to mark 1 Budiman’s books. I warn them that the pupils that are noisy in class can’t go back home early. 


I have a Pendidikan Seni Visual class with 2 Ehsan class As usual. I ask them to draw a butterfly to be coloured next week. After that, I have class with 1 Budiman. I did games for language arts skills. During the games, pupils are too eager to play until they won't listen to my instructions and make noisy things in class. Also, some of them don't even participate during the games and they did their own work. At the end, I ask pupils who make noise in class to stand up in front of the class for a while so that they will keep quiet in class. 



I have planned my lesson very well. 

I can’t control the class during the games because they don’t listen to my instructions.



Teachers work together to ensure the safety of students by ensuring they stay inside the school until their guardians arrive to pick them up.

My pupils from 1 Budiman make noisy things during the games. 


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