7 NOVEMBER 2022- 11 NOVEMBER 2022

    The lesson for this week is topic 3, My Pet. I have not done yet with this topic with 1 Budiman and I’m planning to proceed with a new topic next week. I feel so tired this week since there are a lot of teachers who are not able to attend school this week because some of them were affected by covid-19 virus. I have to relief 6 class of year 1 pupils on Tuesday and Wednesday. I did some activities during relief such as spelling, drawing and more. On Thursday, I had to come to school early since we have a meeting about MOEIS at 12:00 p.m. Actually, I'm not involved with this programme because I'm just a practicum teacher. However, the teacher's attendance is essential for the meeting.

Pupils in 1 Mesra are asked to remember the spelling of animals during a relief. 

Give an English exercise to 1 Budiman during a relief. 

Details about the meeting of MOEIS on Thursday.

Spelling activity with 1 Budiman during the class.

Here are My Activity (Catatan Kerja Mingguan)


As usual, I am having English class with 1 Budiman today. I still teach them topic 3 about animals where they have to listen to an audio and choose the correct answer. After that, I have to relief 3 Budiman and 1 Mesra classes. In 1 Mesra, I ask them to remember the spelling of animals because I want to do an English activity with them which is spelling since this topic is in their syllabus. Based on my observation, almost all of the pupils can spell the names of animals correctly.


I have to relieve a lot of class today since many teachers are not able to attend school today. Some of them are affected with covid-19 virus and they have to be quarantined at home. I feel so tired today because I have to relieve 6 class of year 1 pupils. I give 1 Budiman an english homework during relief since I am their English teacher. 


Today is the same as yesterday where I have to relieve 6 class of year 1 pupils since many teachers are not able to attend school because some of them are affected with covid-9 virus. I have to check my pupils' work during class.  I told pupils to be quiet in class so that they don't bother other pupils that are having class with other teachers. I also warn them that I will give the name of the person who makes noise in class to the principal. 


I have to attend school before 12:00 p.m since I have meetings with other teachers about MOEIS. After that, I have class with 1 Budiman twice today. I did spelling with them about animals and I am so happy because all of them can spell the names of animals as individuals correctly. For the second class, I did introduce them to plants. I still have relief classes today which are 1 Ehsan, 3 Amanah and 3 Lestari classes. 


I don't have a relief class today. I have Pendidikan Seni Visual class with 2 Ehsan where they have to colour the butterfly that they drew last week using water colour. Also, I did a revision of topic 3 with 1 Budiman since I have planned to proceed with a new topic next week. 



I can control the pupils during relief.

I don’t feel energetic since I have to relieve a lot of classes this week. 



Most pupils cooperate throughout the relief.

My pupils from 1 Budiman make noisy things during the lessons.


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